Enterprise Cell Phone Signal Booster or Cell Phone Repeater System Revisited

office-buildings-cell-phone-repeater-systemsNow, when it comes to big enterprise buildings or huge ware house buildings the best way to go about deciding a cell phone booster solution is to start with the blue print of the building structure. Things that comes in handy in figuring out the best solution are:

a) A blue print of the building that can identify the load bearing walls from partition walls. This is a huge factor because depending on the thickness of the walls the signal penetration may very and it is a good ides to know where the load bearing walls and reinforced structures are located.

b) Find out if your building has any kind of mesh layered in between the walls.

c) Find out if you have wooden studs or aluminum studs.

d) Are your walls made of sheet rock or cement

e) Find out where you have the best signal available on top of the building and approximately how many bars they translate into in your mobile phone.

Rough Guide for decibel to Bar’s you see your cell phone :

1 bar= -95 db
2-3 bar= -85db
3-4 bar = -70db

f) Are you in a valley surrounded by hills

With these above mentioned factors taken into consideration, we can come up with a very good system that is custom made right for you.